Recession- Why Trump won’t survive one…

Trump is known as a businessman. But when a recession hits. He won’t survive it politically. The president has many critics. They believe he isn’t the right president. 

The critics believe a recession would have an impact on voters. Turning voters away from Trump. And to Sanders’ Democratic Socialists. 

Trump himself has talked about a recession. Not about one in the future. But about his recession. Trump has claimed that he will not be impeached. Because doing so would cause a recession. 

Trunk claims that this has cowed his opposition. After all, no matter how much you dislike the president. No one likes a recession. Especially not the voters. And the Democratic Socialist voters even less. 

Trump thinks he can prevent the recession. Not in perpetuity. But just until after the vote. Trump is confident. Confident enough to make an off-hand remark some would consider impeachable. 

He suggested that the next G7 summit should be held elsewhere. Somewhere like his Doral Country Club. In Miami. A direct violation of his presidential oath. He would be profiting from his position as President. 

Something, his opponents have seized. Once again calling for impeachment. Even when doing so, would cause a recession. Something that Trump says is true. And something analysts agree on. 

Why does Trump’s opposition want a recession?

For 2020. Analysts predict that between Brexit and the Presidential Election. There will be a market decline. Not as bad as 2008. But still significant. 

Trump’s main enemies are Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes. Democratic Socialists. Much like the socialists of old. They’re waiting. The working classes will get tired in a recession.

They’ll villainise Trump. An old world capitalist. The reason for the market crash. Even if it’s got nothing to do with him. They’ll use it. They’ll campaign. Democratic Socialism is the only way. 

The Republicans have failed the American people. After all, they’re in a recession. Even though economists say it’s natural for an economy to do so. And can be tracked throughout history. 

What will cause the recession?

Economists cannot seem to agree. Neither can news organisations. We have speculated that Brexit will cause a global economic depression. A market crash in London will have a chain reaction. First London, then New York, then the rest of the world. 

Other analysts predict that student loan debt will be the cause. It’s a $1.52 trillion industry. With 44.2 million people in debt. Analysts suspect that if as little as 2% default. Such as large job loss. Will cause a market decline. 

Even now, Betsy DeVos has tightened regulations. Making student debt forgiveness harder. However, it is said that this will help in the long term. It will create more jobs. A key part of Trump’s agenda. 

However, DeVos has stated that this will take 10 years to come to fruition. However, economists agree that this will be better for the economy in the long term. 

DeVos states that this will help the government source more income. As this law only applies to federal loans. Not private loans. It will help by allowing the government to collect non-tax revenue.